About Bri

Me in Machu Picchu
I am a lucky gal in her mid-late twenties. I am married and don't have any kids yet. My husband Jason and I love to travel and go boating. I am a nurse and a photographer.

I have attempted the gluten free diet more than once. It is not an easy diet or shall I say lifestyle to switch to. I say lifestyle because it truly is a lifestyle change. Going out to eat changes, where you can grocery shop changes, and how much you spend on food definitely changes. But in reality, I have never been happier than when I am living gluten free. I am 100x more energetic, I have a clear mind, and I just feel great. Not to mention I don't have to deal with the horrendous digestive symptoms.

While I don't have a diagnosis of Celiac disease, I have noticed very painful and life changing symptoms when I eat gluten. Sticking to a gluten free lifestyle is difficult and after a hiatus last year, I am back in the game and committed to this lifestyle. I am hopeful that this blog will hold me accountable as well as provide support to others going through a similar adventure.

I don't claim to be an expert on the gluten free world by any means, I am just here to report my ups and downs, my struggles and triumphs. Not all my recipes will be organic and made from whole ingredients. Hey, I was a girl brought up on corn dogs and mac and cheese, I like my occasional junk food and am not afraid to admit it. 

If you are interested in my personal and photography blog check it out here
If you'd like to see my photography website, just click here

Thanks for stopping by!

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