Why Gluten Free?

After years of dealing with painful digestive symptoms and low energy, I was turned on to the gluten free diet by a friend at work. She had been experiencing the same symptoms as I was and was miraculously (it seemed) cured by simply going gluten free.

Neither she nor I have tested positive for any food allergies or Celiac disease. So I was skeptical  but I did my research and attempted to start living gluten freely.

I noticed a change within a day. I had no abdominal pain by the end of day 1, by the end of week 1 I noticed that I saw things more clearly...literally. As someone I know described it, ''it's like someone just turned the dial and focused your eyes, brain, and world''...and that could not be more accurately stated. My life is directly affected in a positive way because of living a gluten free lifestyle. I have more energy, clearer skin, a clearer mind, a happier attitude, and more awareness about the foods I eat.

I won't lie, living this way is really hard at first and it takes a lot of planning ahead, awareness of food labels, and sometimes creative thinking. But it is well worth it.

As I stated in the 'About Bri' section, I have fallen off the horse a few times, and I come to regret it eventually. I am committed to sticking to this lifestyle!

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